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Thursday, March 12, 2015

entry 11: Final Blog Reflection

Over the last few weeks I have been posting on this blog for a number of topics that were assigned by my instructor, as well as things I could talk about that relate to me personally. I believe this is one of the coolest assignments a student could ask for because you get to be personal yet professional which makes the writing environment more comfortable than any other I have experienced. I enjoyed this assignment very much because I felt like I was reaching out to the world with my posts which made me really think about what I wanted to write. I found it troubling to come up with an idea for a self-generated topics but once I knew what I wanted to talk about it was all forward progression from there. All in all, Blogging proved to be exiting yet soothing. It was exiting to get my ideas out into the internet as well as expanding my audience to anyone with internet potentially. I found it soothing because I felt no tension when writing. Usually I feel as though my instructor is going to not like something I say or like something I say that I would not have written if I was writing for myself. This project, as well as the class, really gave me that opportunity to write for the purpose of writing and not to get a good grade.

I personally took every post very seriously only because I did not want a future employer to bring up a post that I wasn't trying to be professional with. I also felt like anyone reading my blog would only continue reading if it was serious and interesting which is something I wanted even though I know bot to many people would be checking out this page. I knew not too many people would be looking at my blog, but I still wanted it to sound like a real author wrote it and not a college student.

There was not too much I learned about blogging other than to be professional and real because nobody is going to keep reading if the topics are not interesting and the rhetoric isn't there. I focused a lot of my attention on rhetoric and keeping my topics very in tune with the reader. I learned that signing off and having visual appeal is all another part of keeping the reader engaged in the blog. I also learned the being personal can make the writing easily connectable to others. In the beginning I thought the opposite in that the more personal with the writing you are the less the reader will understand. Really there are people out there who can relate to me personally on any topic I chose to write about.

For the class, I think that it was a very good for getting real world writing experience as well as getting up close and personal with the words being put out. I believe blogging should be an assignment for all students starting from high school just as an easy way to express yourself without having to think about the grading block. There has never been a more comfortable writing environment than the one provided by the blogging experience. If I could change anything about it would have to be the amount of blog posts due at each grading period. I really had to manage time well in order to complete the blogs on time and when it did come down to the wire I noticed my blogs weren't as insightful or meaningful to me or the person reading it. The idea of having a self-generated blog after every topic based blog was nice, yet there could have been a little bit less of the self-generated blogs to maybe cut back on some of the frantic last minute posts.

I think everyone should have some form of personal writing time to get out thoughts and think critically about thoughts running through one’s head. It is healthy to write and the best way to write is when you are comfortable. Try it yourself and see how it makes you feel when you connect with someone in another city or country and can relate to a person you have never met on so many levels. I plan to keep writing in my blog even though the course is over I think it is a healthy way to get out ideas and thoughts that drive the regular person insane. I would say students in particular but I believe everyone should try to have this connection. Try it and let me know what it does for you and if it proves to be as easy for you as it was for me.

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