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Sunday, February 15, 2015

Entry 5: Wall E Realization of Reality

After watching a video such as this, which was just a small clip from a great movie, one begins to think about where our society is going with all of the easy-to-do technology. The video portrays a future culture of big, immobile, and ignorant people who only do as the screens in front of them tell them to do. This makes me personally want to get up off the computer and go run a lap around the block because I feel lazy watching it.

The part from the video that really hit home for me was when the two men were talking on a video call to one another and then it pans out and the guy he is talking to in the call is sliding along right next him. They can’t even turn to one another for communication or interactive purposes that make us human. When basic communication is limited to the people we are friends online with and not those who we interact with in real life, there is little to no reason to get out of bed in the morning.

This technological world we live in is nice and convenient for the most part but this video is showing what it could be like if we continue down this path of destruction. Today we still have live interaction with seen at work or at school, yet we do have ways of communicating technologically in today's society try to stay active and slim. This is relevant to today culture because there are games and social media that keep people from seeing the light of day for weeks at a time.

Something you see in the video that is similar to what you see today is the fashion trends that everyone follows once it is announced or seen. Everyone switches to the blue jumpsuit with the touch of a button and without considering their own opinion. Something else that is similar is how everyone follows the same path every day without looking up to see what’s happening around. The woman in the video was amazed to see the lights and buildings behind the hologram screen. You might see people droning on at work or driving to school as a part of the regular week routine. People get stuck in their ruts and don't look for different ways of doing things that make the "routine" very boring and tiresome. this in turn makes for a very bland, crabby, and loveless individual.

So when you are droning on in the cyber web, going to work, or at school try to mix things up ride a bike to school or work or get off that computer you have logged countless hours on and take a walk around the block and enjoy the fresh air and the nature all around us. Even in the city there is life outside or the rut. YOU just have to climb out.

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